Thursday, June 16, 2011

My Review of The Hangover Part II

SPOILER ALERT!!! This review may contain spoilers.

My husband and I went to see The Hangover Part II a few days ago. We had both really enjoyed the first one, and actually own it on Blu-Ray, so we were excited to see the sequel despite hearing mixed reviews.
I was sort of joking with the big spoiler alert, because here it is: if you've seen The Hangover, then you know everything that is going to happen in this movie.
Complete memory loss due to Alan secretly drugging everyone? Check.
Missing person without whom the wedding can't go on? Check. (Missing person will now be referred to by his name, Teddy.)
Trying to find Teddy using clues from their pockets and ensuing wild goose chase? Check.
The first few times they think they're about to find Teddy it's not him/ it's a fake out? Check.
When they finally give up and call the bride something random causes a realization of where Teddy's been the whole time? Check.
They make it to the wedding just as it's about to be called off? Check.

So, I guess all that is fine, really, I mean plenty of popular movies are formulaic and a bit predictable, but those movies usually don't tout themselves as 'edgy' comedies. A large part of what made the first Hangover movie funny was that it was all so unexpected. Trying to make the same movie twice was a fool's errand.

I mean, it had some funny parts, I laughed, we didn't turn down any fun party invitations to go see it, but if you haven't seen it yet definitely just wait for Red Box or Netflix to get it.

Five reasons to go see this movie now:
1. Zack Galifianakis is pretty funny.
2. You really want to see a monkey simulate fellatio.
3. You want more male full frontal nudity in your life, but not porn.
4. You have a rule that you must see any movie that contains Paul Giamatti.
5. You're craving movie popcorn, and Kung Fu Panda 2 is sold out.

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